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Illustrator and PD24 - Paint Brush pen pressure Problem

Is anyone else experiencing this kind of issue while drawing using Adobe Illustrator?

It's only happening when using the pen display pen. When using the pen tablet, everything is fine. The settings are exactly the same.

See the image.

1 comentario

Thanks for posting that. In the future, please also reach out to Customer Care using the email address [email protected] for immediate help.

With that said, what driver are you using, and is this happening with both pen and other applications?

Xencelabs just released a new driver for both the Windows platform and macOS. Please update using the Windows driver link listed below.

Windows driver 1.3.3-63: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/alv8s1ow89jvctj0894u7/XencelabsWin_1.3.3-63-Alpha.exe?rlkey=1lrk6z0vcobaqlb13g1evbo8f&st=dqi8ngax&dl=0

macOS driver 1.3.3-67: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/x4n2v8q32aq47hi65438w/XencelabsMac_1.3.3-67-RC.dmg?rlkey=u50qvyqgrpjb0u7jrcn7ebqbh&st=ilvlx8o5&dl=0

You can over-install the driver, but once it is installed, you will need to reboot your computer. Please let me know if that corrects the issue you are experiencing in Adobe Illustrator.

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