
Problems Install Driver on macOS Catalina and Monterey (Beta)

I have try everything to Install a working driver on two Mac. 

I use the Xencelabs Quick Key without Tablet.

The Quick Key is found after installation and I have add the two inserts into the secure app. 

After reboot nothing happened and I can not open the Modification Menu.

Has everyone the same Problem? or do I do something wrong?

Sometimes other tablets drivers can cause issues. You did not state if you are using another Tablet Drvier or not? 

Please reach out to support.xencelabs.com and send in a request to the Custmer Care team. Please include your operating system and the issues you are having. Thanks. 

It also looks like from the ticket you created with Cutomer Care that you are using macOS 12 beta. Our driver has not been tested with all aspics of macOS 12 as it is still in beta testing. 

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