
Quick Keys is Unresponsive


Quick Keys is unresponsive, doesn't charge, display is blank.

I tried:

Power Slide

Holding Power Slide for 10s+

Pushing buttons

Various USB-C Cables

Various Power Sources

Reinstalling Software and Dongle (Doesn't find the Quick Keys)

The only thing I noticed is when I plug it in the Connection and Power indicator lights blink very faintly every 1 second. 

It was working fine for 10 months until now.  Any ideas? I miss it already :(

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Hello Paul – I’m very sorry to hear that. I will reach out to you via our CRM, and I would like to see what I can do to help.

It pains me to read about your experience. I apologize and would like to see how I can turn this around for you.

My QuickKeys has just developed this same problem as well, wouldn't switch on this morning. Glad to know I'm in the same boat as a few others at least, seems to be a known issue. I have raised a ticket with customer care so hopefully will hear back from them soon.

I see that you have created a ticket in our system, and it looks like you are being helped. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

I have the same issue - the pens don't work, the Quick Keys is unresponsive. I ran diagnostics and it doesn't register the interaction with either.

The tips I was given didn't work so I returned the product and requested a new one. The new one has the same issue.

Is there anything I can try? I'm using a Macbook pro. (I've also added the drivers in Accessibility.)


Hello Jack, I'm sorry to hear that. I looked in our CRM, and I'm not finding you listed as someone who has reached out to us. Please let me know if you reached out using a different name or email address.

Please send an email to [email protected] and include your operating system and the Xencelabs device you are using. Please also include where you are located. 

I would be happy to work with you.


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