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Quick Keys Clip

Should I have a clip to attach the Quick Keys to the 16" Pen Display that has just been delivered?  If so, where should it be in the package?  Only I can't find it if it is supposed to be there.

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If there is anything I can help with. Please let me know. 

Hi Mike, thanks! I don’t think I need them since I also have the holder, for I own both of your pen displays ( love them both btw!) I just need to finish modeling the prototype and do a few print tests.

That sounds great. Please let me know if you need the dimensions of the Quick Keys holder. I'd be happy to provide them. 

I was looking into this today, I was wondering the same. 

Since we have a 3d printer at the studio, I'm going to grab the design of the of the clip for the bigger display and make a similar version for the smaller. 

I can share it afterwards if anyone is interested.

Hey, that's really nice Mike.  I am a bit stuck for space, and really wanted the Quick Keys attached to the Pen Display.  I am also finding it more difficult that I expected having the Pen Display at an angle to my keyboards, so I suspect I will need to make best use of the Quick Keys.

This is where I am at at the moment.   For a country for which Forestry is our second biggest industry, it is surprisingly had to get anything other than pine here in New Zealand.  I've used Rimu, which I have to scrounge second hand, from old furniture and house demolitions, and plywood for the shelf.   I originally made the shelf for a MacBook Pro, and I realised that I could also use it for a Cintiq or similar.  It was Lisa Carney who put me on to your products.  She says she will never go back to Wacom after using an Xencelabs tablet.


I was using this image in a reply to your Jerry regarding a support issue I was having, and he asked for my screen resolutions.  The Adobe Camera RAW was showing a blank window where the image should be, and it was freezing Photoshop if I tried to drag ACR from the main screen to the PD16.  I thought it was linked to scaling, so I put scaling back to 100% in Windows 11 Display Settings, and ACR worked again, and I was able to move windows between screens OK.  I have text scaling set to 150% but it is early days yet.  I am just glad it is working now.

Those adjustments stuff up my custom workspace, and I have to make that from scratch, because some of the windows are off-screen, but I have done it so many times now, it only takes me ten minutes.  I share the workspace between the release and beta versions of course.  

I have been toying with creating a Quick Keys stand for my desk, something that would prop the Quick Keys up about 30 degrees for easy viewing and use. I built the below stand out of Sapele form some cut off from a wood project. What do you think? 

The wood is Sapele. It has a beautiful red tone. I rubbed in one coat of hard wax and buffed it out.

With the Quick Keys in the stand.

Front view with no Quick Keys.

Bottom view. I added leather to the bottom for grip.

Thanks Mike.  I will make something that might, or might not, be a permanent solution.  I have remade the extension to my desk to support the PD, but right now I am not getting on with the offset keyboard, so I am hoping I can build a good deal of muscle memory into using the Quick Keys. 

The Pen Display 16 does not have a clip hat you can use to attach to the side or top of the Display. We have had a few request for this and I’m going to send your request on to the Product team so they know there is more interest in having a Quick Keys clip for the Pen Display16.

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