There are many different types of Linux operating systems on the market. The ones that Xencelabs has tested are listed below. 

If your version of Linux is not listed below, I would suggest that you plug in the Pen and Tablet and test it, it is possible that it would work with your Linux version natively. 

Supported versions of Linux: 

Here is a list of Linux operating systems that have been tested and are compatible with our Xencelabs driver
Ubuntu 14.04 - 21.04 64-bit

Rocky Linux 9.1-x86, 64-bit

Centos7.0 / 8.0  64-bit
Fedora Version 31-35 64-bit 
Manjaro-KDE-gnome-20.2-201203 64-bit

Manjaro-xfce-20.2-201203 64-bit
Arch Linux2019.12.01 64-bit
Debian 10.8 64-bit 
OpenSUSE-Leap15.3 64-bit
elementary OS -5.0 64-bit
 Mint-20.1-cinnamon 64-bit
ezgo Linux14 64-bit
Pop!_OS_20.10 64-bit 
Mageia-7.1 64-bit
Red Hat 7 / 8 64-bit

The Xencelabs driver installs for Linux consist of two files that will need to be installed, a .deb and a .rpm file.

To install the files you will first need to download them from the Xencelabs Driver Download page Once they have been downloaded to the computer you will need to run the below commands to install the drivers. They will need to be installed in the order listed below. 

 DEB Install          sudo dpkg -i xencelabs_1.x.x.20xxxx.deb

 ** the X  will need to be replaced with the actual file name

 RPM Install         sudo rpm -i Xencelabs-1.x.x.20xxxxx.rpm

** the X will need to be replaced with the actual file name

If you need to uninstall the above driver the instructions to do that are listed below. 

DEB Uninstall     sudo dpkg -r Xencelabs

EPM Uninstall     sudo rpm -e Xencelabs